September is National Preparedness Month
Preparing for the unexpected is important all year. However, National Preparedness Month is an opportunity to learn ways that you can help be better prepared at home, work, school, and more.
West Mayfield Borough is helping you do that with this year’s Ready PA 30 Days/30 Ways campaign! Throughout the month we are also posting several preparedness tips to our Facebook page.
For more information about emergency preparedness and management in West Mayfield, check out our Emergency Management page.
September 2019 Weekly Themes
Week #1: Ready 101 – Get Started, the Basics
Week #2: Ready 201 – Keep Going, the Not-So-Basics
Week #3: Cover Your Assets – Insurance and Preparing for Recovery
Week #4: Be Involved – Ways to Be Involved and Be the Difference in Your Community
Sign up for 30 Days/30 Ways 2019 resources, and you’ll get easy tips and tools that can help you be better prepared.
You will receive an email with tips each week in September and receive the Ready PA monthly e-newsletter.
At the end of the month, you will receive a short survey so we can find out the “days and ways” most helpful for you! When you submit your survey, you will receive a customized Ready PA Team 30 Days/30 Ways certificate.
You will also be entered in to our random drawing for a wind up radio (like the one pictured below), flashlight, or phone charger!