2024 Earth Day
Clean Up in the Borough
From the Desk of Mayor Licia Cogley: Great accomplishments from yesterday’s Earth Day Clean up in West Mayfield. We had more volunteers than last year! Shout outs to Ms. Littell from Boden Street, the Picos, Bob K, Cheryl S, Nora, Margaret M, Stacy T, Kevin, Licia and Jeff Seybert who picked up all the bags of trash. Kudos to the special man in the blue pickup truck with the trailer that hauled the first load to the dump for us, no questions asked, so nice. The three youngsters that showed up for assistance were also a big help. Thank you to all. We covered West 8,7,6,5 4, Patterson, Boden and Rock. Some in between. Let’s keep West Mayfield looking good. THANK YOU ALL!
A sizable group of West Mayfield citizens working with local government turned out on a beautiful Saturday morning April 20th to help pick up roadside litter throughout the borough.
“In total we gathered about 40 bags of trash from several streets,” reported Bob Kaib, including some tires and larger pieces of scrap that were dumped throughout our neighborhood. “I just don’t know how people think it’s okay to throw this garbage on our streets,” said Pat Pico, clearly disgusted by the amount of trash being picked up. “I wasn’t raised that way. Most of us in the borough weren’t raised that way.”
Despite the tremendous amount of trash, Pat and the rest of the volunteer West Mayfield Clean Up Day crew carried on with the mission, creating a real difference in our community and helping to make West Mayfield a nicer place to live (our motto).
The youngest members of the Clean Up Day team were Spencer Boudoin, Joslyn Tate, and Addie Tate. These youngsters were not only helping the grownups pick up trash, but they were learning how to be good citizens who care about the community.
“It’s important that we teach our youngsters how to be good citizens and give them opportunities to be a part of the community,” said Kevin Farkas, one of the citizen-volunteer organizers of the event. “Our kids learn from us. We have to be good role models and lead by example. If we adults care about our community, our children will, too.”
We also want to thank the anonymous contractor and former West Mayfield resident who took several bags of roadside trash to the dump, at no charge.
Our local clean up day is a cooperative project between citizen-led Community Service Volunteers of West Mayfield and the West Mayfield Recreation Board. Our first clean up days started in 2022 with just a handful of citizens, but this year we had grown enough to register with the state’s Keep PA Beautiful program as part of the national Great American Clean Up effort. Join us for future Clean Up Day events in the borough. Be sure to LIKE & FOLLOW us on social media!
Community Service Volunteers of West Mayfield
This year marks the 54th Earth Day celebration. The environmental theme of this year is “Planet vs. Plastics,” calling for a 60% global reduction in plastic production by 2040. This Earth Day also draws attention to overall threat of disposable plastics to the environment and wildlife, as well as the human health threat of microplastics in our environment.
“About 80% of the roadside trash we picked up in West Mayfield was plastics,” said Nora Cumberledge Soos, whose team gathered several large, over-flowing bags of litter. “It’s just sad that people have to toss their plastic bottles on our streets, especially in the wooded and grassy areas,” said Margaret McCauley, who worked alongside Nora throughout the morning.