Next Council Meeting: January 8, 2015

West Mayfield Borough Council meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30pm. The meeting is open to the public and will take place in the Council Chambers, 4609 W. 8th Ave.  All citizens having business before the council are advised to be on time for the start of the meeting.

West Mayfield Bus Stop?

Borough council is seeking input from residents regarding public transit in West Mayfield. Would you like local access to public transit?  If so, where would you like to see a bus stop in the borough? Hours of operation? Leave us a message on our convenient online Citizen Comment Page.

Next Council Meeting: December 11, 2014

West Mayfield Borough Council meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30pm. The meeting is open to the public and will take place in the Council Chambers, 4609 W. 8th Ave.  All citizens having business before the council are advised to be on time for the start of the meeting.

Code Enforcement Officer Needed

West Mayfield Borough is seeking a part-time, as needed code enforcement officer to handle ordinance complaints.  Please submit a resume listing qualifications and salary requirements no later than Nov. 30, 2015 to Pat Lansberry, Borough Secretary, West Mayfield Borough, 3700 W. 9th Ave. Beaver Falls PA 15010.

You are my sunshine: Why open government matters to West Mayfield

As the Beaver County Times continues to challenge county government and other public officials and agencies for greater access to public information, we are reminded of Patrick Henry’s words: “The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.” While BCT editor Shane […]

Why Act 13 Matters to West Mayfield

It was a close call for local democracy and the rights of West Mayfield residents, but the game ain’t over . . . As the search for natural gas and fracking activity increases throughout the region, Beaver County, and surrounding municipalities, the residents of West Mayfield have already been adversely affected.  It has been well […]

A Citizen’s Guide to Addressing West Mayfield Council

Take the Right Action Citizens often come to borough council meetings with a variety of complaints, such as potholes, the condition of their neighbor’s yard, barking dogs, or speeding traffic.  Frankly, it doesn’t matter what the issues are, citizens have the right to address council and to have their voices heard.  But what happens after […]