Rec Board Working Meeting

Council Chambers 4609 W. 8th Ave., Beaver Falls, PA, United States

Recreation Board Contacts Janet Helbig, chair (724) 846-0881 Chrissy Barkfelt, citizen-member (724) 544-4432 Sue Wood, citizen-member Meetings: The Rec Board holds its working meetings at 6pm on the first Thursday of each month in Council Chambers.

Regular Council Meeting

Council Chambers 4609 W. 8th Ave., Beaver Falls, PA, United States

Regular Council Meeting

Council Chambers 4609 W. 8th Ave., Beaver Falls, PA, United States

Regular Council Meeting

Council Chambers 4609 W. 8th Ave., Beaver Falls, PA, United States

Regular Council Meeting

Council Chambers 4609 W. 8th Ave., Beaver Falls, PA, United States